Elimination Diets
There are two kinds of elimination diets. The first one eliminates for a period of one week a single food item in order to observe the effect of that elimination. The second one eliminates for one week all the highly allergenic foods. During this period, the child is fed the following hypoallergenic diet which does not contain wheat, eggs, or milk. Bread should be banana rye, potato bread, or Ry-Krisp. The only beverage should be tea with sugar. Olive oil and lamb drippings should be used as fats. The only meat should be lamb. Beets, spinach, and sweet potatoes (all thoroughly cooked with no sauces added), and apricots, cherries, peaches, and prunes (all thoroughly cooked with nothing added except sugar) should be the only vegetables and fruits.
To this diet, one suspected food item can be added each week, and the effect of that addition observed. If the diagnosis is still not conclusive, then the child’s food intake for the next week should be limited to water, sugar, and allergy-free proteins. (Allergy-free proteins are called Amigen by Baxter, Nutramigen by Mead Johnson, Amino Acids by Stuart. Their purpose is to provide healthy nutrition on a restricted diet.) To this restricted allergy-free diet, one suspected food item can be added every two to three days, and the parent can observe how that addition is tolerated.
Provocative Diet
This consists of adding a large quantity of a suspected food item to the regular diet to observe the effect of that addition.