Signs and symptoms

In severe cases of scoliosis the curvature of the spine can easily be seen when the child stands up. Even a slight curvature may be easy to recognize because the child stands in a hip-shot position, with one hip more prominent than the other. Scoliosis in almost any degree can be observed when the child bends forward at the waist with the knees straight. In this position scoliosis causes the chest to rotate, making one side of the back more prominent.

Home care

The important aspect of home treatment is to watch for the onset of the condition by observing your child’s posture periodically, particularly during periods of rapid growth.


Any curvature of the spine is abnormal. Since scoliosis can become severe in a matter of months, your child should be checked as soon as you notice any abnormality. The child should then continue to see the doctor regularly.

Medical treatment

After confirming the presence of the condition, your doctor will often refer you to an orthopedist (bone specialist) who is skilled in treating scoliosis. The specialist will X ray the spine.

Idiopathic scoliosis occasionally corrects itself during growth. However, it must be checked several times a year. Correction of idiopathic scoliosis may require the use of a back brace or surgery of the spine. Differences in leg length will be treated by placing lifts in the child’s shoes or by surgery.

Exercise and physical therapy are not known to be helpful in treating any type of scoliosis.


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