What are the main symptoms

There are 101 different symptoms you can put under the endometriosis umbrella. Most common is pain.

Some women complain of pain and feeling bad, usually for the two weeks preceding menstruation. Other common symptoms include fatigue, bloating, irregular and abnormal bleeding, rectal bleeding, pain in cycle, pain in bowel, pain in bladder, a general feeling of pressure within the pelvic cavity, painful intercourse, infertility, depression, lethargy, insomnia, diarrhea – sometimes alternating between constipation and diarrhea – and a general feeling of being ‘nervy’.

Other symptoms include blood pressure changes, leg cramps,

palpitations, changes in body temperature, mood swings, changes in weight – most often an increase although some people seem to lose a lot of weight – skin rashes, flushing, loss of libido and sugar cravings.

Other associated symptoms include some tendency towards showing a hormone imbalance.

What happens at the first visit

An hour is allowed for each consultation – possibly longer for the first. A detailed list of symptoms is taken, together with answers to relevant questions defying such things as sleep patterns, moods, traumas etc. This can take some time as the woman has the opportunity to ‘divulge all’, and there is usually quite a deal of bottled-up anguish in endometriosis cases.

A medical history is taken – past illnesses, operations, traumas, etc. A list is made of past and current medications and a family medical history is taken. An inspection is made of the woman’s hands, nails, hair, tongue, palpation over liver/stomach/ spleen/ovaries/kidney area, examination of any rashes, moles, lumps, etc.

After I arrive at any treatment programme, I discuss this with the woman, explaining the method and significance of the remedies and the anticipated healing path ahead.

What is your treatment regime

Bach flower essences: For the mental/emotional sphere – to help emotional blocks and negative beliefs.

Diet: Non-chemical foods. An emphasis on low fat, high fibre, low sugar foods. No processed or refined foods. Ideally, organically grown fruit, vegetables, cereals and grains, filtered water. Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol. If candida is present, a special anti-candida diet will be prescribed.

Pain management: If needed, acupuncture and visualization may be considered.

Stress management: Meditation, yoga, massage.

Exercise: Gentle, regular exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming. No jarring exercise such as jogging.

Usual length of a treatment cycle

Two to 18 months, most around the six to eight month span with intermittent visits over the longer period. It is sometimes hard to tell due to lack of compliance to treatment – after the pain has gone, the motivation to complete the healing programme can disappear.

Women being treated usually require a visit once every four weeks.


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